

The Navigate interaction allows you to set the navigation when a user clicks on an action. This feature will enable you to trigger and customize different page references, making it easy for end-users to navigate to other pages. This helps to create a seamless user experience and improve user engagement.

List of Page Reference Type

These page reference types are supported.

Aura - External Record Page

When configuring the Navigate interaction to link to an Aura - External Record Page, it allows for dynamic and contextual linking to records in Salesforce using the Lightning Component framework (Aura).


Record Id

The Record Id setting is used to specify the unique identifier of the record that the user will navigate to upon interaction. This ID ensures that the navigation targets the correct record within Salesforce.

Input the Salesforce record ID that the navigation action should link to. For dynamic use cases, this can often be sourced from the current context or data the user is interacting with.

CMS Source Name

The CMS Source Name setting is utilized when the navigation target is a Salesforce CMS (Content Management System) record. This is the name of the CMS Channel from where the record originates.

Specify the CMS Channel name if the destination is a CMS content record. The Navigate interaction will use this name to retrieve and display the correct content.

CMS Type Name

Alongside the CMS Source Name, the CMS Type Name further defines the type of CMS content that the user will navigate to. It corresponds to the content type within the specified CMS Channel.

Define the type of CMS content that you want the user to be directed to. For example, if the content is an article, the CMS Type Name could be "NewsArticle" or another defined content type in your CMS Channel.

Aura - External Record Relationship Page

The Navigate interaction for the Aura - External Record Relationship Page provides a shortcut to related Salesforce records directly from the current page, simplifying user workflow.


Record Id

This setting identifies the specific record the user will be directed to. The Record Id must be the unique identifier of a record that has a defined relationship within Salesforce.

Enter the Salesforce record ID for the related record you want the navigation action to target. This ID is typically sourced dynamically based on user interaction or the current record in view

Object Type

The Object Type setting specifies the type of related record the user will navigate to. This should match the API name of the related object as defined in Salesforce.

Input the API name of the Salesforce object type that is related to the current record. For instance, if navigating to contacts related to an account, the Object Type might be "Contact".

Let’s say you’re working in Salesforce, and you're looking at a company's profile - let's call it "Acme Corporation." Now, you want to see all the deals or opportunities connected to Acme without searching for them separately.

  • Specify the following settings:

    • Record Id: Enter the Salesforce ID of the Acme Corporation record or bind it to a dynamic variable representing the current record ID.

    • Object Type: Enter or select the related object that you want to navigate to, such as ‘Opportunity’.

Aura - Login Page

The Aura—Login Page interaction is a user navigation feature within Salesforce Experience Cloud that allows a smooth transition between logged-in and logged-out states. Depending on the action specified, this interaction is configured to trigger login or logout processes.


  • Action Name: This setting defines the authentication action to be performed. The available actions are:

    • login: This option configures the component to navigate users to the login page, prompting them to enter their credentials to access secured areas of the Experience Cloud site.

    • logout: Selecting this option will guide users to a logout sequence, effectively signing them out of the site and ending their current session.

When setting up the Aura - Login Page interaction, choose the appropriate action (login or logout) to match the intended user flow of your Experience Cloud site. This interaction ensures that users can quickly sign in to access protected content or sign out when they have finished their session, maintaining a secure and user-friendly environment.

Knowledge Article

The Knowledge Article interaction with the URL Name setting allows users to navigate directly to specific Knowledge Articles within Salesforce Experience Cloud. This interaction simplifies the user journey by creating quick access links to important informational resources.

The URL Name is typically the end part of the Knowledge Article's URL and is unique to each article. It's generated based on the article's title but can be customized for clarity and SEO purposes.

Example of a Knowledge Article URL:<URL_Name>

Managed content Page

The Managed Content Page interaction is a feature built into the Experience Cloud that allows administrators to link directly to a managed content page by simply providing values for two key settings: the Content Type Name and the Content Key.


Content Type Name

This refers to the predefined name of the content type within your Salesforce setup. Content types are templates that structure the content you create, such as "News Article" or "Marketing Material."

Content Key

This is the unique identifier for the specific piece of content to which you want to link. Each content piece within a content type has a unique key, which is used to retrieve it directly.

Named Page

The Named Page interaction in Salesforce Experience Cloud allows you to define navigation and link components to internal pages created within the Experience Builder. The Named Page interaction can enhance user navigation by setting up intuitive and friendly URLs to specific named pages.


  • Page Name: The identifier for the named page within Experience Cloud. This must match the API name of the page as defined in Experience Builder.


Imagine you have a custom page in your Experience Cloud site with the API name CustomerSupport. You want a navigation menu item to link directly to this page.

  1. In the "Page Name" field, you enter CustomerSupport.

  2. After saving your changes and publishing, your users will be able to click this menu item and be taken directly to the CustomerSupport page within your Experience Cloud site.

  • The Page Name is case-sensitive and must match the API name exactly.

  • Use the Page Name for internal navigation within the site rather than hard-coded URLs for maintainability and to leverage Salesforce's URL handling.

  • Consider using meaningful and user-friendly API names for pages to make configuring interactions more intuitive.

Object Page

The Object Page interaction within Salesforce Experience Cloud enables administrators and developers to link components directly to standard or custom object pages, such as a list view or record creation form. This function is crucial for creating a seamless user experience by providing quick access to object-specific actions.


  • Object API Name: The unique identifier for the object within Salesforce, such as Account, Contact, or a custom object CustomObject__c.

  • Action Name: Specifies the type of page to navigate to. Common actions include:

    • List: Navigates to the list view of the specified object.

    • New: Opens the page to create a new record for the specified object.


Let’s say you want a "View All Contacts" button in your Experience Cloud site to take users directly to the list view of all Contact records.

  1. While editing your site in Experience Builder, add a button component where needed.

  2. For the button’s interaction, choose "Navigate to Object Page."

  3. Input Contact in the Object API Name field to specify the object.

  4. In the Action Name dropdown, select List to link to the list view.

  5. Save the Experience Builder changes and click "Preview" to test the button functionality.

  6. After testing, publish the site to apply changes.

  • The Object API Name must match the object’s API identifier in Salesforce.

  • Only use actions supported by the object. For instance, if an object doesn't support the New action due to permissions, the interaction won't function correctly.

  • Custom objects' API names typically end with __c.

Record Page

The Record Page interaction in Salesforce Experience Cloud directly links to specific record detail pages. This feature is particularly useful for creating direct paths to view details of a particular record, such as an Account, Contact, or any custom object.


Object API Name

This is the unique identifier for the object in Salesforce, such as Account for standard objects or CustomObject__c for custom objects.

Record ID

The unique identifier for the specific record you wish to display.

Action Name

For this interaction, the action will typically be set to View to show the details of the record.


If you want a custom button that takes a user to the detailed view of a specific contact record.


  • Record IDs in Salesforce are typically 15 or 18-character alphanumeric strings unique to each record.

  • Ensure the users have the necessary permissions to view the record, or they might encounter access errors.

  • Record IDs can be sourced dynamically through URL parameters or component bindings, depending on the page's context or user action.

Record Relationship Page

The Record Relationship Page interaction in Salesforce Experience Cloud enables users to navigate to a page that displays a related list or related records associated with a specific record. This is particularly useful for users who need to view or interact with related data, such as contacts related to an account or opportunities related to a contact.

Create the object page and corresponding pages on your site to ensure the record navigation redirection works.


Imagine you have a custom button on an Account page layout that needs to take users to a list of all Contacts related to that account.


  • The Relationship API Name is often the plural of the object API name, but this can vary, especially for custom relationships.

  • Ensure the Relationship API Name corresponds to a valid list related to the specified object.

  • Always verify that users have the required permissions to view the related records to avoid access issues.

Web Page

The Web Page interaction in Salesforce Experience Cloud allows users to direct themselves to an external web page or another internal page within the Salesforce ecosystem. This feature can be essential for linking to additional resources, partner sites, or company homepages.

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